Doggie daycare

What is it, and how does it work?

Doggy daycare works the same way as daycare for children, offering your pet an opportunity for fun and entertainment. If your dog is hyperactive, shy, or anxious, or if you have inflexible working hours and are overwhelmed by the pace of your daily routine, this could be the ideal solution for your household and your dog.

Information on doggy daycare

OPENING HOURS: Arrival 7:45 – 8:45, pick-up 17:30> 18:30

FACILITY: Within the facility, dogs are free to play, rest and do things together. The spaces are cleaned daily, veterinary services are available round-the-clock, and 24-hour supervision is provided.

STAFF: Qualified staff with many years of experience in this type of work.

ACTIVITIES: Fun educational activities ensure that your dog’s time at doggy daycare is both enjoyable and instructive. Running with the other dogs helps improve socialisation, while every dog has its own exclusive space for resting.

Additional services

DOG SPA: bathing and grooming at Wash Dog Siena with reservations

DOG TAXI: local transportation available, with reservations

HEATING: heated kennels are available for an enjoyable break even in winter

TRAINING: Private training and dog sports with instructors from the Cocca Dog Training Academy  available with reservations.

To find out more, ask for a copy of our guide to our services and all the documents required to access the kennel service.

“Dogs’ feelings are the same as our feelings for children.”
- Sigmund Freud